Calderdale Shared Transport Hubs
This engagement has now closed, thank you for taking part.

The results are being analysed. The outcome report will be published on this page in due course.
Shared Transport Hubs in Calderdale: Hebden Bridge and Todmorden
Shared transport hubs bring together a range of options in one, attractive place. They are often known as mobility hubs. The idea is that we can make it easier to choose active and sustainable travel for local trips.
The size and features of a hub vary depending on the location. It could include links to public transport, shared transport - such as bike hire which will link Hebden Bridge with Todmorden - car clubs, bike storage, and travel information.
We have developed proposals for two shared transport hubs in Todmorden, and one hub in Hebden Bridge, which could be the start of a network of hubs across Calderdale. We’d like to hear what you think before taking these proposals any further.
In Hebden Bridge, we’re proposing to install facilities within Market Place car park.
In Todmorden, we’re proposing to install facilities in School Lane, and at Todmorden College with no loss of car parking spaces.
This consultation ran from Tuesday 5 November until Monday 9 December 2024.
This proposal is part of a wider scheme to explore the benefits of shared transport hubs across West Yorkshire. The vision is for shared transport hubs to be accessible close to transport interchanges, high streets, and neighbourhoods across the region.
What’s happened so far in Calderdale?
In November 2022, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, working with Calderdale Council, introduced the idea of shared transport hubs in the Upper Valley, in Hebden Bridge, Todmorden and Mytholmroyd.
We asked for views on potential locations for shared transport hubs. We also asked which facilities people thought were essential, nice to have, or not required. (You can find information on the first phase consultation on Calderdale Council's Commonplace site(External link).)
Following that initial consultation, we’ve developed proposals for a shared transport hub in Hebden Bridge Market Place car park, and for two hubs in Todmorden, in School Lane car park, and at Todmorden College.
What are we proposing now?
Following the initial consultation, we’ve developed proposals for shared transport hubs in the following locations:
Hebden Bridge Market Place car park
This location was chosen because it’s close to the heart of Hebden Bridge town centre. It can serve both local residents and visitors making shopping, work, and leisure trips, by offering more ways to get into town and around the local area.
It has come to our attention that the plan above is showing two disabled parking spaces whilst currently there are three. There are no plans to lose disabled parking in this proposal and a third will be added at the detailed design stage.
We are proposing to redesign the existing car park to meet recommendations of the Car Park Designers Handbook(External link). This will create a more efficient, user-friendly car park, and three parking spaces will be altered to improve the space for pedestrians, cycle facilities and electric vehicles (EV).
One extra EV car parking space will be installed within the car park to go alongside the existing provision, and a pedestrianised area created within the hub, which will include secure and covered cycle parking, access to a shared cargo bike and e-bikes, and a bike repair stand.
There will also be a digital travel information post providing real time information for Hebden Bridge Station, directional signage to transport connections, and new planters, green space, and benches, creating a pleasant environment to spend time in.
Todmorden College
This location has been chosen to fit in with the redesign of the college entrance (For more details on this, see here: Todmorden Town Deal(External link)). A shared transport hub here will offer more sustainable transport options to local people, college visitors and community groups.
At Todmorden College, we are proposing to install covered bike shelters with Sheffield cycle stands, shared e-bikes, a bike repair stand, and a secure cycle hangar.
We are also proposing to include a digital travel information post providing real time information for Todmorden Bus and Rail Stations.
In addition, we would provide an EV charging parking space, space for an EV car club, and future provision for further EV charging spaces in the car park.
School Lane, Todmorden
This location is close to the centre of Todmorden, as well as near to the bus and rail stations. A shared transport hub here would support residents and visitors as well as connecting with the Todmorden College hub.
At School Lane, we are proposing to install covered cycle parking and access to shared e-bikes and an e-cargo bike. There would also be a bike repair stand, and improved access for people walking and cycling from Halifax Road.
We are also proposing a digital travel information post providing real time information for Todmorden Bus and Rail Stations, and directional signage to transport connections. In addition, we would provide an EV charging parking space and space for an EV car club.
Why are we doing this?
The aims of shared transport hubs are to encourage more people to replace shorter car journeys with more sustainable modes of transport, by providing multiple transport facilities in one place.
As a result, we’d hope to see an increase in the number of shorter journeys – under two miles – made by sustainable modes, such as cycling or electric vehicles.
Shared e-bikes can help people ride further and faster than they would be able to on a traditional bicycle, making a greater range of journeys possible and helping with obstacles such as hills.
A shared transport hub could also benefit people who may not be able to use scheduled bus and rail services as easily as others.
By helping to give people genuine alternatives to their petrol and diesel cars, we can help tackle the region's climate emergency and work towards our Zero Carbon Calderdale goal - as well as improving people's physical health.
Mobility hubs are currently being rolled out in towns and cities across the UK and Europe and we feel that Calderdale is a great place to try this innovative hub concept in West Yorkshire.
Tell us your views here |
Who will benefit?
Shared transport hubs aim to:
- Reduce problems of congestion, carbon emissions and air quality
- Reduce parking pressure by encouraging people to cycle
- Increase convenience of switching between different types of transport
- Provide a sustainable ‘first or last mile’ connection to the nearest bus or railway services
- Address gaps in the public transport system by being safe on demand and accessible 24-hour services
- Improve the public space, to make a more pleasant experience for pedestrians, people who ride bikes, and business owners.
Have your say
You can let us know what you think in the following ways:
- Complete our survey by 11.59pm on Monday 9 December 2024
- Ask us a question – read frequently asked questions here
- Join us at an event to speak to the project team
Your feedback will help to shape the final project plans.
Join a drop-in event
You'll be able to take a closer look at the plans and share your feedback with the project team. Paper surveys will be available to take home and submit via our Freepost address.
- Tuesday 12 November 2024, 9.00am – 12 noon Todmorden Community College
- Tuesday 12 November 2024, 1pm – 4pm Hebden Bridge Town Hall
- Thursday 21 November 2024, 12:30 – 3:30pm Hebden Bridge Town Hall
- Saturday 23 November 2024, 10:00am – 1:00pm Todmorden Market (CANCELLED)
- Thursday 28 November 2024, 12 noon - 3:00pm Todmorden Market
Log on to a webinar
We'll be hosting a free online Zoom webinar to give you an opportunity to learn more about the plans and ask the project team any questions. Sign up through the link below:
- Monday 18 November 2024 6pm-7pm Register here for our webinar(External link)
Contact us and accessibility
If you would like to contact us or request information in an alternative format you can:
- Email
- Phone MetroLine on 0113 245 7676
- Write to: FREEPOST CONSULTATION TEAM WYCA (no stamp required)
Next steps
This consultation will close on Monday 9 December 2024 at 11.59pm. If you’d like to know the outcome of this consultation, please register for updates using the link on this page.
We will consider all feedback, and the results of this consultation will be used to further shape and inform the scheme prior to its delivery. A Full Business Case is due to be submitted to the Combined Authority Committee in February 2025.
City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement
This scheme has been awarded funding from the £830 million City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS), which is aimed at providing an integrated and inclusive transport network and was made possible thanks to the West Yorkshire Mayoral devolution deal. This work will build on the significant investment already being made in making it easier for people to walk, cycle and use public transport around West Yorkshire.
This engagement has now closed, thank you for taking part.
Ask us a question, and the project team will get back to you.
Please note, if you are logged in to Your Voice, your username will be displayed when you ask a question.