Bradford Shipley route improvement scheme

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We are aware that there are travel issues between Bradford and Shipley, including congestion, road safety and air quality. Bradford Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority (the Combined Authority) have been working together to come up with suitable solutions.

We have been prompted to rethink the project, due to a combination of rising costs and policy updates since project development began.

The Bradford Shipley Route Improvement Scheme will still propose different ways to cut journey times, improve air quality, reduce road casualties and make the surrounding environments more environmentally friendly.

The revised proposals will look to strengthen bus and active travel provision even further than originally outlined.

A public consultation for the updated options is scheduled for early 2024.

What engagement has already happened with Bradford Shipley?

Phase 1

The first phase of the public consultation (Phase 1) was held between December 2018 and February 2019 with the majority of respondents in support of the scheme objectives and principles. The consultation helped shape the current proposals that determined the scheme option approved by the Combined Authority and the Council’s Executive.

Further details of the engagement including the engagement outcome report can be found on the Your Voice page here.

Phase 2A

The second phase of the public consultation (Phase 2A) was held during June and July 2020. The overall sentiment from 771 participants for the proposals was positive. 64% supported proposals to reduce traffic along the A650, 70% supported the measures suggested to reduce accidents, 85% supported parking proposals. 47% of respondents said the proposals would encourage them to walk and cycle more in the area.

This round of consultation took place during the COVID-19 pandemic. The consultation only included part of the scheme: A650 Manningham Lane. Further details on the consultation, including the outcome report, can be found on the Your Voice page here.

Next steps

Discussions will continue to take place between Bradford Council and the Combined Authority. New plans will be developed for the next phase of consultation - Phase 2B.

The next public consultation is currently scheduled for early 2024.

Please continue to check this page for further updates, and register to Your Voice to be the first to hear about consultations in your area.

Latest Updates

We are aware that there are travel issues between Bradford and Shipley, including congestion, road safety and air quality. Bradford Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority (the Combined Authority) have been working together to come up with suitable solutions.

We have been prompted to rethink the project, due to a combination of rising costs and policy updates since project development began.

The Bradford Shipley Route Improvement Scheme will still propose different ways to cut journey times, improve air quality, reduce road casualties and make the surrounding environments more environmentally friendly.

The revised proposals will look to strengthen bus and active travel provision even further than originally outlined.

A public consultation for the updated options is scheduled for early 2024.

What engagement has already happened with Bradford Shipley?

Phase 1

The first phase of the public consultation (Phase 1) was held between December 2018 and February 2019 with the majority of respondents in support of the scheme objectives and principles. The consultation helped shape the current proposals that determined the scheme option approved by the Combined Authority and the Council’s Executive.

Further details of the engagement including the engagement outcome report can be found on the Your Voice page here.

Phase 2A

The second phase of the public consultation (Phase 2A) was held during June and July 2020. The overall sentiment from 771 participants for the proposals was positive. 64% supported proposals to reduce traffic along the A650, 70% supported the measures suggested to reduce accidents, 85% supported parking proposals. 47% of respondents said the proposals would encourage them to walk and cycle more in the area.

This round of consultation took place during the COVID-19 pandemic. The consultation only included part of the scheme: A650 Manningham Lane. Further details on the consultation, including the outcome report, can be found on the Your Voice page here.

Next steps

Discussions will continue to take place between Bradford Council and the Combined Authority. New plans will be developed for the next phase of consultation - Phase 2B.

The next public consultation is currently scheduled for early 2024.

Please continue to check this page for further updates, and register to Your Voice to be the first to hear about consultations in your area.

Page last updated: 19 Jul 2024, 01:19 PM