Mirfield to Dewsbury to Leeds (M2D2L) Transport Scheme
This engagement has now closed, thank you for taking part.
The outcome report can be viewed here.
The information and proposals from the consultation, which took place between 9th November - 7th December 2021, can be found below.
We're improving the route from Mirfield to Dewsbury to Leeds. Last year we consulted on phase 1 of the designs. Since then, the designs have been updated to reflect feedback and new cycling guidelines.
If you need to refresh your memory about our phase 1 consultation you can find more information here.
Kirklees Council and Leeds City Council, in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, are progressing a scheme for the A644 and A653 routes between Mirfield to Dewsbury to Leeds. The scheme aims to improve travel opportunities, reliability and the local environment.
The scheme will help to promote access to jobs, education and services, and improvements in public health. It includes new cycle tracks, new pedestrian crossings and footway improvements, bus lanes and bus super-stops (upgraded bus stops), junction upgrades, and other highway space adjustments.
The roads in question are key transport routes through areas of north Kirklees and south Leeds that are the focus of significant planned housing and economic growth over the next 10-15 years. Proposals for several major development sites are being worked up which will be brought forward and built at different speeds. It is important to recognise that proposals which form part of this M2D2L project represent one component of a longer-term programme of transport investment into the area that will include:
- Changes to road junctions to provide access to new development sites, often in phases
- Investment into the Transpennine rail network and stations. For example, through the Transpennine Route upgrade
- Upgrades to Mirfield, Ravensthorpe and Dewsbury stations and on the railway lines
- Creation of a new station at the White Rose in Leeds
- Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) projects, particularly in and around Dewsbury
- Assessment of strategic highway scheme options in North Kirklees to relieve pressure on existing roads and communities, and to support growth.
Why are we consulting again?
Phase 1 of the consultation was undertaken in 2020, it showed that the majority of respondents supported the proposals. However, a key concern voiced was that the outline designs did not take into consideration emerging national cycling guidance (LTN 1/20). This guidance is now established and has been taken into consideration along with other key concerns voiced within the consultation to produce updated outline drawings along sections of the M2D2L. This consultation is an opportunity to comment on the updated proposals.
Public engagement
Between 9th November 2021 and 7th December 2021, we asked for your feedback on the updated designs via an online survey.
A printed version and support to take part was available by calling Metro Line on 0113 245 7676.
People could also ask us a question using the Questions button at the bottom of this page.
Online Q&A webinar:
As part of this consultation we hosted an online Q&A webinar which provided the public with an opportunity to learn more about the proposals and to ask questions to the project team.
Date | Time | Recording details |
Thursday 18th November | 17:00 – 18:00 |
More information
Can you tell me a bit more about LTN 1/20?
The Local Transport Note 1/20, Cycle Infrastructure Design (July 2020) sets out the Government’s ambitious plan for cycling. It provides recommendations on cycling infrastructure design which aim to make cycling networks coherent, direct, safe, comfortable and attractive.
Recommendations within LTN 1/20 have been followed where feasible for M2D2L enabling updated drawings.
A link to LTN 1/20 can be found here:
Cycle infrastructure design (LTN 1/20) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)(External link)
Has there been any changes on what the M2D2L will deliver?
All the schemes featured in the 2020 consultation have merit and the consultation told us that you support the schemes. However, due to funding constraints not all schemes proposed at the consultation in 2020 can be delivered. We have gone through a sifting process to fit the available funding envelope based on value for money, policy fit, environmental impact and feedback from the consultation.
This has led to the following not being funded by the M2D2L:
- Dewsbury town centre: Church Street improvements and Longcauseway / Railway Street improvements. This will instead be funded by the Transforming Cities Fund.
- Tingley to White Rose: Northbound bus lane and the shared pedestrian cycle path between White Rose and Capital Park. We must stress that alternative funding for this will be sought to enable it to be delivered.
Next Steps (updated June 2023)
The cost of the project is £13 million with £12.5 million initially ring fenced through the West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund. However the current economic climate, including record levels of inflation, is having a significant impact on the costs of infrastructure projects across the country. Unfortunately this has meant that funding has been cut.
For the Kirklees section of the project, the project will be designed up to the next development stage, which is detailed design. This will then be a pipeline scheme until such time as funding has been identified. When a funding stream has been identified the designs will once again be reviewed to ensure they still offer good value for money, and achieve our desired outcomes.
Like the sections in Kirklees, Leeds Council are having to pause development of Section E between M62 J28 and the White Rose Centre whilst seeking future funding streams necessary to deliver the project.
Funding has been confirmed for Section F, which will extend the cycle lane from Dewsbury Road down to the White Rose Centre, and deliver bus priority measures. Further updates will be published as this moves towards construction.