How are you getting this consultation out to everyone?

    We are doing everything we can to get this consultation as far and wide as possible. That includes a host of different channels, a press release and social media, face to face engagement and events, a dedicated webpage and mass emails. 

    We’re also contacting all of our partners and stakeholders and asking that they do all they can to support it and get it to as many people as possible. Those wanting to feedback in writing or over the phone are also very welcome. Please contact where you can also arrange a callback.  

    How are you reaching diverse communities for their opinions and making it accessible to everyone?

    Inclusivity is a key priority and pledge of the Mayor. We have a broad range of community contacts and policing and crime stakeholders/partners including the Violence Reduction Partnership. These contacts span many diverse communities across West Yorkshire and we’ll be working with them to ensure the consultation reaches as many people as possible. The survey can be made available in different languages and formats, with an open offer of assistance in completing it for those who request it. Please contact where you can also arrange a callback.  

    What are you going to do with the information?

    Information collected from the consultation, whether that be via the survey, in person or other methods will be crucial, not only in setting priorities but also to ensure we are focusing activity and funding on the areas of greatest need to the people of West Yorkshire. 

    This Plan sets the strategic direction for West Yorkshire Police, community safety partners and commissioned services over the next four years, so we need to make sure that direction is what’s best for everyone in West Yorkshire.

    What will happen to previous pieces of work and areas of focus?

    Most of the work under the former police and crime plan 2021-2024 will continue. In areas such as road safety and tackling anti-social behaviour we have made significant progress, but we intend to build on a lot of that work. If you would like to read more about the ongoing strategies please see: The Police and Crime Plan - West Yorkshire Combined Authority (

    How will this plan differ to the previous one?

    The previous police and crime plan was built on the back of the mayor’s election priorities from 2021 and the feedback we received from the public, partners and stakeholders throughout the consultation. 

    This plan will build on our work from the last three years, reference the mayor’s election promises from May 2024 and respond to the responses we receive during this year’s consultation. 

    What is your evidence base for these priorities?

    We will be collating the latest data, documents, other surveys, needs assessments and the latest research. This will be used alongside the results of the public consultation and guidance from national bodies such as the Home Office, NPCC, College of Policing, APCC along with other relevant organisations.

    Why have you started a conversation on serious violence?

    In her election manifesto the Mayor made a pledge to tackle serious violence. Although the Violence Reduction Partnership has delivered a number of fantastic initiatives such as projects to tackle knife crime, we believe tackling serious violence cuts across much of our work to make West Yorkshire safer from the safety of women and girls to many other crime types.