Mass Transit phase one Privacy Notice

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West Yorkshire Combined Authority Mass Transit phase one Privacy Notice

For the purposes of the Data Protection Act (2018) and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), the ‘controller’ of the personal data which you provide in the attached form is the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (“the Combined Authority”, “we”, “us”) of Wellington House, 40-50 Wellington St, Leeds LS1 2DE (Tel: 0113 251 7272). The Combined Authority is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office with registration number ZA051694.

The Combined Authority is collecting this data and will process it for the purpose of identifying information that is relevant to Mass Transit phase one options, which will assist further route development and shape future consultations.

Some Special category data will be collected as we recognise that the needs of different customer groups can vary. Postcodes will be collected to track the geographical spread of responses to the consultation across our region. In addition, the engagement platform will capture your IP address however we will not process this data further.

Feedback provided will be made available on the Your Voice page in a consultation outcome report which will contain non-identifiable information.

Anonymised feedback will be shared with Mott MacDonald who will provide analysis of the data for West Yorkshire Combined Authority for the purpose stated above. This may include sharing data with sub-processors (including SYSTRA and Counter Context). Likewise, where a response to a question has been requested, your name and contact information will be shared with Mott MacDonald who may share this data with sub-processors and project teams at Bradford Council, Calderdale Council, Kirklees Council, Leeds Council and Wakefield Council.

If you have provided your email address and name for newsletter updates about Mass Transit, the Combined Authority will store your email address and name for this purpose.

If you have entered our prize draw, we will store your email address or phone number provided which will be shared with One4All if you are successful who will issue your voucher as outlined in our prize draw T&Cs:

When signing up to the webinars, Zoom will retain your name and email address for the purpose of attending the webinar.

We will not share your information with any other organisation or third party other than those named above. However, there may be other circumstances in which we may share or use certain information about you, which are:  

  • if we have a legal obligation to do so or if we are required or requested to do so by a competent authority such as the police or a court;  
  • if we need to use or disclose your information to obtain legal advice or in connection with legal proceedings;  
  • if we need to share your information to protect your vital interests if you are unable to give us consent or it is unreasonable for us to ask for your consent in the circumstances (e.g. if you are injured).  

We will retain your information for the duration of the project in accordance with our information retention policy and on the expiration of such period we will safely delete it. 

Information provided to the Combined Authority will be processed on the basis of Article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR which states that processing is necessary for the purposes of a task carried out in the public interest.

As a data subject you have a number of rights under the DPA. These include the right to access the information which we hold about you. In some cases you may have a right to have your personal data rectified, erased or restricted, and to object to certain use of your data. You have an absolute right to demand that you stop receiving marketing information.

This would not affect the legality of what we do with your personal data before you make such a request and would not stop us from continuing to use your data to the extent that we do not require your consent. It would stop us from further using data for purposes which require your consent (e.g. marketing).

If you are unsatisfied with the manner in which we collect or handle your personal data you have a right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Information about how to make complaints can be found on the ICO’s website at

We act in accordance with our corporate privacy notice, which provides further information on personal data processing and how to contact us to make a request:

The Combined Authority’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

Simplified Privacy Notice

Data Controller
When we collect your personal data, the West Yorkshire Combined Authority is what is known as the ‘data controller’. The Combined Authority is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office with registration number ZA051694.

As the data controller, we will:

  • Only keep your data that we need for the purposes stated
  • Keep your data safe and accurate
  • Only keep your data as long as we have to
  • Collect, store and use your data in a way which does not break any data protection laws

Why are we collecting this data?
The Combined Authority is collecting this data and will process it for the purpose of understanding and identifying views about Mass Transit phase one.

We have asked for some personal data as we recognise that the needs of different groups can vary, and we are committed to collecting views from different groups of people across our region. Some of this personal data is known as ‘special category’ data, which includes the gender you identify as, health, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

Postcodes will be collected to track the geographical spread of responses to the consultation across our region. In addition, the engagement platform will capture your IP address however we will not process this data further.

Where responses to a question have been requested, your name and contact information will be shared with Mott MacDonald who may share this data with sub-processors and project teams at Bradford Council, Calderdale Council, Kirklees Council, Leeds Council and Wakefield Council.

If you have provided your email address and name for newsletter updates about Mass Transit, the Combined Authority will store your email address and name for this purpose.

If you have entered our prize draw, we will store your email address or phone number provided which will be shared with One4All if you are successful who will issue your voucher as outlined in our prize draw T&Cs:

When signing up to the webinars, Zoom will retain your name and email address for the purpose of attending the webinar.

The legal basis
We will process your data under ‘public task’ and ‘substantial public interest’, which means it will help inform us in our duties to the public, in relation to transport planning, service improvement and economic regeneration of the region.

For the newsletter and prize draw, we will process your data under ‘consent’, which means you have opted in to receive updates and/or to enter the prize draw.

Who are we sharing this data with?
The Combined Authority will share your information with Mott MacDonald who will provide analysis of the data for the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. This may include sharing data with sub-processors (including SYSTRA and Counter Context).

How long do we keep your data for?

We only keep your responses for the duration of the project. After this time has passed, we will safely delete your information in accordance with our information retention policy.

What if I have any questions?

As a data subject you have a number of rights under the DPA. You have an absolute right to demand that you stop receiving marketing information. For further information, please visit

If you wish to contact us about this privacy statement or to make a request, the Combined Authority’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

If you are unsatisfied with the manner in which we collect or handle your personal data you have a right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Information about how to make complaints can be found on the ICO’s website at

West Yorkshire Combined Authority Mass Transit phase one Privacy Notice

For the purposes of the Data Protection Act (2018) and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), the ‘controller’ of the personal data which you provide in the attached form is the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (“the Combined Authority”, “we”, “us”) of Wellington House, 40-50 Wellington St, Leeds LS1 2DE (Tel: 0113 251 7272). The Combined Authority is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office with registration number ZA051694.

The Combined Authority is collecting this data and will process it for the purpose of identifying information that is relevant to Mass Transit phase one options, which will assist further route development and shape future consultations.

Some Special category data will be collected as we recognise that the needs of different customer groups can vary. Postcodes will be collected to track the geographical spread of responses to the consultation across our region. In addition, the engagement platform will capture your IP address however we will not process this data further.

Feedback provided will be made available on the Your Voice page in a consultation outcome report which will contain non-identifiable information.

Anonymised feedback will be shared with Mott MacDonald who will provide analysis of the data for West Yorkshire Combined Authority for the purpose stated above. This may include sharing data with sub-processors (including SYSTRA and Counter Context). Likewise, where a response to a question has been requested, your name and contact information will be shared with Mott MacDonald who may share this data with sub-processors and project teams at Bradford Council, Calderdale Council, Kirklees Council, Leeds Council and Wakefield Council.

If you have provided your email address and name for newsletter updates about Mass Transit, the Combined Authority will store your email address and name for this purpose.

If you have entered our prize draw, we will store your email address or phone number provided which will be shared with One4All if you are successful who will issue your voucher as outlined in our prize draw T&Cs:

When signing up to the webinars, Zoom will retain your name and email address for the purpose of attending the webinar.

We will not share your information with any other organisation or third party other than those named above. However, there may be other circumstances in which we may share or use certain information about you, which are:  

  • if we have a legal obligation to do so or if we are required or requested to do so by a competent authority such as the police or a court;  
  • if we need to use or disclose your information to obtain legal advice or in connection with legal proceedings;  
  • if we need to share your information to protect your vital interests if you are unable to give us consent or it is unreasonable for us to ask for your consent in the circumstances (e.g. if you are injured).  

We will retain your information for the duration of the project in accordance with our information retention policy and on the expiration of such period we will safely delete it. 

Information provided to the Combined Authority will be processed on the basis of Article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR which states that processing is necessary for the purposes of a task carried out in the public interest.

As a data subject you have a number of rights under the DPA. These include the right to access the information which we hold about you. In some cases you may have a right to have your personal data rectified, erased or restricted, and to object to certain use of your data. You have an absolute right to demand that you stop receiving marketing information.

This would not affect the legality of what we do with your personal data before you make such a request and would not stop us from continuing to use your data to the extent that we do not require your consent. It would stop us from further using data for purposes which require your consent (e.g. marketing).

If you are unsatisfied with the manner in which we collect or handle your personal data you have a right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Information about how to make complaints can be found on the ICO’s website at

We act in accordance with our corporate privacy notice, which provides further information on personal data processing and how to contact us to make a request:

The Combined Authority’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

Simplified Privacy Notice

Data Controller
When we collect your personal data, the West Yorkshire Combined Authority is what is known as the ‘data controller’. The Combined Authority is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office with registration number ZA051694.

As the data controller, we will:

  • Only keep your data that we need for the purposes stated
  • Keep your data safe and accurate
  • Only keep your data as long as we have to
  • Collect, store and use your data in a way which does not break any data protection laws

Why are we collecting this data?
The Combined Authority is collecting this data and will process it for the purpose of understanding and identifying views about Mass Transit phase one.

We have asked for some personal data as we recognise that the needs of different groups can vary, and we are committed to collecting views from different groups of people across our region. Some of this personal data is known as ‘special category’ data, which includes the gender you identify as, health, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

Postcodes will be collected to track the geographical spread of responses to the consultation across our region. In addition, the engagement platform will capture your IP address however we will not process this data further.

Where responses to a question have been requested, your name and contact information will be shared with Mott MacDonald who may share this data with sub-processors and project teams at Bradford Council, Calderdale Council, Kirklees Council, Leeds Council and Wakefield Council.

If you have provided your email address and name for newsletter updates about Mass Transit, the Combined Authority will store your email address and name for this purpose.

If you have entered our prize draw, we will store your email address or phone number provided which will be shared with One4All if you are successful who will issue your voucher as outlined in our prize draw T&Cs:

When signing up to the webinars, Zoom will retain your name and email address for the purpose of attending the webinar.

The legal basis
We will process your data under ‘public task’ and ‘substantial public interest’, which means it will help inform us in our duties to the public, in relation to transport planning, service improvement and economic regeneration of the region.

For the newsletter and prize draw, we will process your data under ‘consent’, which means you have opted in to receive updates and/or to enter the prize draw.

Who are we sharing this data with?
The Combined Authority will share your information with Mott MacDonald who will provide analysis of the data for the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. This may include sharing data with sub-processors (including SYSTRA and Counter Context).

How long do we keep your data for?

We only keep your responses for the duration of the project. After this time has passed, we will safely delete your information in accordance with our information retention policy.

What if I have any questions?

As a data subject you have a number of rights under the DPA. You have an absolute right to demand that you stop receiving marketing information. For further information, please visit

If you wish to contact us about this privacy statement or to make a request, the Combined Authority’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

If you are unsatisfied with the manner in which we collect or handle your personal data you have a right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Information about how to make complaints can be found on the ICO’s website at

Page last updated: 14 Jul 2024, 01:02 PM