Leeds City Centre Cycle Improvements

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This engagement has now closed, thank you for taking part.

Update August 2023: 

Work on Western Gateway began in November 2022 and was completed July 2023. Work also began on Crown Point Road in November 2022 and is estimated to be complete by the end of summer 2023.

Dewsbury Road began in October 2022 and is estimated to be complete by the end of summer 2023. 

For the Southern Gateway, works began January 2023 and is estimated to finish March 2024.

All feedback has been taken into consideration and an outcome report is published on this page. The information below was presented during the public consultation between 11 January - 19 February 2021.

Leeds City Council, in partnership with West Yorkshire Combined Authority, is working to add 7km to the existing cycling network in Leeds city centre. 


Linking up and filling gaps in the existing and planned cycle network will deliver improved connectivity to, and around, the city centre. Filling in these gaps and addressing key barriers – such as bridge crossings – will help unlock suppressed demand for cycling and multiply the benefits of other schemes by improving connectivity across the whole cycle network.  

This project is part of the Leeds City Region Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) programme; a major new programme of investment that aims to deliver transformational, new infrastructure and help create a step change in travel across the region. Doing so will help make active travel options like cycling safer and more appealing for people, and will be essential to reducing reliance on car travel and meeting the Leeds City Region commitment to become a net zero carbon city region by 2038.(External link)  

The scheme comprises new cycling infrastructure in several Leeds city centre locations, to connect routes on the city’s existing cycle network and increase the length of continuous cycling infrastructure. Specifically, the interventions are situated as follows:  

  • Western Gateway: Kirkstall Road to Wellington Street (A65) and St Pauls Street  
  • Southern Gateway: Neville Street and Bishopgate Street, with Dark Neville Street and Sovereign Street connectors  
  • Eastern Gateway: Lady Lane, Templar Street and Bridge Street  
  • Crown Point Bridge Gateway: Black Bull Street and Crown Point Road  
  • Holbeck Gateway: Whitehall Road to Holbeck   

The map below is an overview of cycling routes in Leeds city centre (click here to open in a new tab), including both completed routes and those under construction, as well as the new proposed routes we are consulting on. Find out more about the Combined Authority’s CityConnect routes in Leeds city centre here.(External link)(External link) 
Have your say   

Engaging with this consultation will help provide feedback and comments which will further shape proposed plans to improve cycling in Leeds City Centre. “This map is an overview of cycling routes in Leeds city centre, including both completed routes and those under construction, as well as the new proposed routes we are consulting on. Find out more information about the Combined Authority’s CityConnect routes in Leeds city centre.” 

1. Please first view the Proposed Plans which are uploaded to this webpage. 
2. And then give your feedback by taking part in the consultation survey which you can find at the bottom of this page or by clicking the blue button below.  

Please note: This survey has now CLOSED. 

Responses to the consultation survey are being analysed and once complete, a report will be published on this page. 

 Contact us 
To formally give your feedback on the proposals, please take part in the consultation survey via the link above. If you have questions, you can get in touch with us via: 

Our Q&A tool (below): Submit your questions and we will get back to you 

Telephone:  0113 245 7676 (Metroline)  



*Please note that, due to the COVID-19 situation, the majority of staff are working from home and therefore there will be significant delays in receiving any postal contributions. It is strongly recommended that you contact us via email if possible. 

Update August 2023: 

Work on Western Gateway began in November 2022 and was completed July 2023. Work also began on Crown Point Road in November 2022 and is estimated to be complete by the end of summer 2023.

Dewsbury Road began in October 2022 and is estimated to be complete by the end of summer 2023. 

For the Southern Gateway, works began January 2023 and is estimated to finish March 2024.

All feedback has been taken into consideration and an outcome report is published on this page. The information below was presented during the public consultation between 11 January - 19 February 2021.

Leeds City Council, in partnership with West Yorkshire Combined Authority, is working to add 7km to the existing cycling network in Leeds city centre. 


Linking up and filling gaps in the existing and planned cycle network will deliver improved connectivity to, and around, the city centre. Filling in these gaps and addressing key barriers – such as bridge crossings – will help unlock suppressed demand for cycling and multiply the benefits of other schemes by improving connectivity across the whole cycle network.  

This project is part of the Leeds City Region Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) programme; a major new programme of investment that aims to deliver transformational, new infrastructure and help create a step change in travel across the region. Doing so will help make active travel options like cycling safer and more appealing for people, and will be essential to reducing reliance on car travel and meeting the Leeds City Region commitment to become a net zero carbon city region by 2038.(External link)  

The scheme comprises new cycling infrastructure in several Leeds city centre locations, to connect routes on the city’s existing cycle network and increase the length of continuous cycling infrastructure. Specifically, the interventions are situated as follows:  

  • Western Gateway: Kirkstall Road to Wellington Street (A65) and St Pauls Street  
  • Southern Gateway: Neville Street and Bishopgate Street, with Dark Neville Street and Sovereign Street connectors  
  • Eastern Gateway: Lady Lane, Templar Street and Bridge Street  
  • Crown Point Bridge Gateway: Black Bull Street and Crown Point Road  
  • Holbeck Gateway: Whitehall Road to Holbeck   

The map below is an overview of cycling routes in Leeds city centre (click here to open in a new tab), including both completed routes and those under construction, as well as the new proposed routes we are consulting on. Find out more about the Combined Authority’s CityConnect routes in Leeds city centre here.(External link)(External link) 
Have your say   

Engaging with this consultation will help provide feedback and comments which will further shape proposed plans to improve cycling in Leeds City Centre. “This map is an overview of cycling routes in Leeds city centre, including both completed routes and those under construction, as well as the new proposed routes we are consulting on. Find out more information about the Combined Authority’s CityConnect routes in Leeds city centre.” 

1. Please first view the Proposed Plans which are uploaded to this webpage. 
2. And then give your feedback by taking part in the consultation survey which you can find at the bottom of this page or by clicking the blue button below.  

Please note: This survey has now CLOSED. 

Responses to the consultation survey are being analysed and once complete, a report will be published on this page. 

 Contact us 
To formally give your feedback on the proposals, please take part in the consultation survey via the link above. If you have questions, you can get in touch with us via: 

Our Q&A tool (below): Submit your questions and we will get back to you 

Telephone:  0113 245 7676 (Metroline)  



*Please note that, due to the COVID-19 situation, the majority of staff are working from home and therefore there will be significant delays in receiving any postal contributions. It is strongly recommended that you contact us via email if possible.