Addressing local challenges to inclusive growth, including reductions in anti-social behaviour
Enhancing access to education and skills
Supporting further development around the town
Supporting the visitor economy
Land Value Uplift
How have the needs of people with disabilities or those who experience other access and use-ability challenges been considered?
We want to help people with disabilities to be able to access town centres and make full use of the public transport network more easily and safely. We have considered all comments received previously and engaged with various groups to develop a high-quality design, including wider pavements, improved crossings, consideration of materials and colour contrasts. The impact of the proposed changes to taxi-related facilities, parking and traffic flows on people’s travel habits has also been considered. The designs comply with all relevant industry best practice, government-issued guidance, and legal requirements such as the Disability Discrimination Act.
We can provide copies of the materials presented as part of the consultation in braille, large print and audio format on request. Call North Yorkshire County Council: 01609 780780 or email: TransformingCities@northyorks.gov.uk
How have the highway designs changed from the last consultation?
We have not made major changes to the highway designs since the last round of consultation. The fundamental proposals were considered during the first consultation when removing a lane on Station Parade to provide segregated cycle lanes was the most supported option. We are implementing the most popular option from that consultation and are now seeking to fine tune a design, with input from the local community. We have amended some junction designs and the layout of the Station Bridge/East Parade roundabout at the Odeon cinema to provide better crossing points. We have also changed some of the tree planting proposals to avoid areas with underground services. The changes provide a balance between improved safety for walking and cycling and maintaining the operation of the local road network.
The scheme has been designed to improve connections between the town centre, railway and bus stations, residential areas and other major destinations. It also provides links to other active travel projects across the town [see Major transport schemes and plans | North Yorkshire County Council for details of these]. In responding to the feedback from the Harrogate Congestion Study consultation (2019) to improve walking, cycling and public transport infrastructure we have followed government design guidance that increasingly requires us to prioritise walking and cycling.
What is the expected traffic impact?
As a result of the design amendments, we have considered what impact the current designs could have on road users and traffic across the town centre. A technical note explaining the impact of the Preliminary Design was one of the documents considered by North Yorkshire County Council's Executive in January 2020, you can read this here.
The modelling software is specialist software created by Jacobs for the council. In order to understand what a worst-case impact might be, we have used pre-pandemic traffic data and did not take into account any benefit from those who may change from private car journeys to walking and cycling.
Since that last consultation we have considered what the impact might be as a result of the further design changes to the Station Bridge/East Parade roundabout - link to the technical note here. This shows that whilst there is likely to be some negative impacts during the busiest part of the day, the morning and afternoon peaks, they are not expected to cause excessive congestion and are estimated to be within acceptable levels by highways officers.
What evidence is there that reviews the impact that pedestrianisation has on local businesses?
There is a large body of research that indicates there tends to be a positive or neutral economic impact on local business in areas where improvements to public spaces and improvements for walking and cycling have been made - please see our economic case. Positive impacts can be summarised in five categories:
Have the changes to the designs had an impact on air quality?
Our modelling shows that the current Detailed designs will have a similar negligible impact on air quality in the area as the previous Preliminary designs. We continue to believe the overall scheme will lead to an improvement in air quality through removing traffic from James Street and enabling a shift towards less car use and more use of public transport, walking, and cycling. The latest air quality data for the site can be found in the table below. The diffusion tubes measure nitrogen dioxide and the data is reported as mean averages in µg/m3. You can read our Air Quality report here.
Location | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
Taxi Rank, Station Parade, Harrogate | 46.9 | 43.1 | 33.6 | 30.6 | 34.1 |
If the decision is made to submit a Full Business Case to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, we will continue to review the air quality assessment throughout the scheme.
How has the planting scheme changed?
We have provided additional detail about the proposed trees and planted areas. Nine trees will need to be removed. Additional information about underground utilities has determined where it is and is not possible to plant new trees. We are now looking to plant an additional 24 new trees. Whilst the planters outside the Everyman will be removed, we are discussing where they can be relocated nearby.
What has changed in relation to parking, including Blue Badge parking
The total number of blue badge spaces within the scheme area will remain the same. Two spaces will be removed from James Street and two more blue badge spaces are provided on Station Parade and Albert Street.
The information provided by the Council as part of the second consultation stated that there would be a reduction of 39 spaces. The current proposals would result in the same number of car parking spaces being lost. This is a very small reduction in the overall amount of parking provided in the Town Centre; the town centre has 2,800 off-street and 4,000 on-street parking spaces. Analysis of current town centre usage suggests that up to 150 on-street spaces could be removed without a detrimental effect on a visitor’s ability to find a convenient space. A Harrogate parking strategy can be found here.
The proposals for taxi parking remains largely as shown in the second consultation. The location of the taxi rank on Station Parade has been slightly moved to avoid underground utilities. Plus, a disabled taxi bay will be added on the eastern side of Station Parade.
What changes have been made in relation to improving security and safety?
Since the last consultation, we have consulted with the police to ensure that the proposals result in safe, well-lit spaces that reduces anti-social behaviour.
The Authorities are working with Northern Rail to improve existing cycle storage provision as well as provide innovative covered cycle storage at the Railway Station that will ensure that cycles can be left safely.
Has the design for Station Square and One Arch altered?
We have provided further detail of the Station Square and One Arch design. This includes the types and locations of seating, planting, lighting and the water feature as well as the location of a proposed art feature. The Queen Victoria monument remains in place, surrounded by improved landscaping.
What materials are you proposing to use?
We are proposing to use York stone paving in the highest quality areas as being appropriate material for Harrogate and commonly found in the town centre. Elsewhere tarmac and granite are proposed, with tactile paving to indicate crossing routes.
Are these the final designs?
These are the current design proposals which we will review following the results of this consultation. If the County Council’s Executive determines to progress the scheme, finer details relating to the implementation of the project will need to be determined at that stage.
When would construction start and end?
We would currently expect construction to start in 2023 and finish in 2024. We have appointed Galliford Try to undertake early engagement – this means inputting into the detailed designs and planning the construction phase of the project in more detail. The contractor will only start the build phase if the project is formally approved. We would work closely with the contractor to make sure that the impact is minimised for everyone, including residents and businesses, but it is inevitable there will be some disruption. We would work closely with those most affected to ensure all works are done with the minimum possible impact.
What decisions remain/ What are the next steps?
Following the close of the public consultation at midnight on Tuesday 23 August, we will consider all feedback and produce a consultation outcomes report. We will also consult on the Traffic regulation Orders that would be needed. North Yorkshire County Council’s Executive will then consider whether to submit a Full Business Case to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority for approval and implementation of the scheme. If the scheme is approved, it is anticipated that construction will begin in 2023 for approximately 12 months. We aim to keep roads open to traffic as much as possible, and noise and other disturbance from the works will be minimised.
What is the Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) programme?
Providing an accessible, attractive and cleaner alternative to car journeys is at the heart of Leeds City Region’s Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) - a major programme of transport infrastructure investment secured as part of the West Yorkshire devolution deal.
The £457 million programme, which is being delivered by the Combined Authority in partnership with local authorities, is being paid for with money from the Department for Transport (DfT) and local match funding.
In partnership with local authorities, the Combined Authority will deliver transformational infrastructure, which will dramatically improve people’s access to walking, cycling and public transport.
It is estimated schemes will improve journeys by bus, rail, bike and on foot for up to 1.5 million people, take up to 12 million car trips per year off our roads and reduce CO2 emissions from car travel by up to 15,000 tonnes by 2036.
Communities across Bradford, Calderdale, Craven, Harrogate, Kirklees, Leeds, Selby, Wakefield and York are set to benefit from the schemes, which include new or improved bus and rail stations, cycling and walking infrastructure, and new Park and Rides.
You can find out more here: https://www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/projects/transforming-cities-fund/faqs/