Elland Rail Station and Access Package Phase 2

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This engagement has now closed, thank you for taking part.

To view all updates on this project please visit Calderdale The Next Chapter(External link) website.


The West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Calderdale Council are currently developing plans to build a new rail station in Elland and introduce a series of improvements, known as the Access Package, to make it easier to walk and cycle to the new station from across the town and the wider area. 

During summer 2018, a period of public engagement took place on these proposals which was almost unanimously positive with 94% of respondents stating that they were happy or very happy with the plans (click here for more information on the first phase of engagement [link opens in a new tab]). The feedback received was then used to help us develop the proposals further and we are now running a second phase of public engagement which will allow you to comment on these updated plans. Some of the ways your feedback has helped progress the scheme to date are highlighted in our 'You Said, We Listened' document which can be found by clicking here [link opens in a new tab].

The proposals have the following objectives and benefits:

  • To improve journey time reliability for journeys to/from Elland. 
  • To provide opportunities to park and ride 
  • To increase the number of journeys made by train to/from Elland in order to support economic growth while reducing carbon emissions. 
  • To relieve road congestion including on the A629 
  • To attract new investment to Elland and retain existing employers in the area.  
  • To increase the accessibility of Elland from within and beyond the Leeds City Region 
  • To support future housing growth in Elland and western parts of Brighouse by reducing transport constraints to development 

The engagement 

Between 25 May and 12 July a period of public engagement was held which allowed you to provide feedback on the AEB Strategy via an online survey. The results of this survey have now been analysed and can be viewing using the link below:

The Rail Station

The proposed new rail station is designed to serve Elland and to improve the town's transport connectivity with the wider region. It will be located on the existing Calder Valley route (Leeds – Huddersfield Line) to the west of Lowfields Way and adjacent to the A629 Calderdale Way. 

The station will be unstaffed and comprise of two 125m platforms positioned on the existing embankments at an elevated level, each of which will have covered waiting areas, and a ticket vending machine. Access via both lift and steps will be available from the car park level. Cross platform access will be provided at road level via the existing underpass on Lowfields Way. 

The station will be served by a 166 space (approx.) car park incorporating parking spaces for blue badge holders, an area for drop-off/pick-up, motorcycle parking, cycle storage facilities, low energy lighting and CCTV. 

The station will be funded by the West Yorkshire Plus Transport Fund (WY+TF) and will cost approximately £20m. 

Further information and a series of maps and graphics can be downloaded using the link below:

The Access Package

Alongside the development of the new rail station, a series of improvements has been developed to improve car free access to the proposed station from across the town and the wider area. These will also support the sustainable travel connection from Elland and West Vale and the direct connection onto the Route 66 cycleway, with links to both Halifax and Brighouse.

The construction of a new pedestrian bridge will create links from the area north of the River Calder, whilst also creating a direct link to the Route 66 cycleway and towpath. From West Vale, a bridge will connect non-motorised users to the Route 66 cycleway which in turn will provide connections into Elland itself and to the proposed rail station. This crossing has stayed relatively unchanged from the initial plans though some minor alterations to the route path are currently being considered. The connecting routes have also been renamed and prioritised to better reflect: 

  • Usability
    • Direct routes from key areas and to help minimize travel times where possible
  • Pedestrian safety
    • Keeping the main pedestrian routes away from the bus road network where possible
  • Connections and overlaps with future schemes
    • We aim to ensure that our proposals complement any future developments such as the A629 Halifax to Huddersfield (Phase 4) and Elland Future High Street Bid

Further route improvements will increase sustainable travel from other areas within Elland. These include new and updated infrastructure and a series of public realm enhancements across the project area.

Further information and a series of maps and graphics can be downloaded using the links below:

The first phase of engagement included plans for a crossing from Park Road to Elland Riverside Park. Since that time, further feasibility studies have been undertaken which have revealed that these initial proposals are no longer feasible due to a number of factors including: 

  • Environmental concerns
    • Works would be required in the river channel
    • There is a large presence of Japanese Knot Weed
    • There is a high risk of damage to aquatic life
  • Underground services
    • There are a substantial number of services present in Gas Works Lane that would need diverting
  • Pedestrian safety
    • The initial proposals would have forced pedestrians to use Gas Works Lane which is secluded and poses a safety risk.

Next steps  

In March 2019, the scheme received approval from the Combined Authority for its Outline Business Case (OBC) and in May 2019 received Network Rail’s Guide to Rail Investment Process (GRIP) stage 3 approval. Over the coming months, the programme of work will continue to be developed further and we intend to submit a planning application in Autumn 2020, ahead of submitting our Full Business Case for approval in early 2021. We will also be working closely with Network Rail and train operators to develop a suitable timetable for services calling at the proposed station. Based on the information available at present, and assuming all the necessary approvals are achieved, the station would be opened is December 2022 as part of a scheduled change to train timetables.  

Contact us

Via email: yourvoice@westyorks-ca.gov.uk

Via our Q&A tool: Ask us a question using the tool at the bottom of this page

Via phone: 0113 245 7676

Via post: Freepost CONSULTATION TEAM (WYCA)*

*Please note that, due to the COVID-19 crisis, the majority of our staff are working from home and therefore there will be significant delays in receiving any postal contributions. It is strongly recommended that you contact us via another method if possible.

To view all updates on this project please visit Calderdale The Next Chapter(External link) website.


The West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Calderdale Council are currently developing plans to build a new rail station in Elland and introduce a series of improvements, known as the Access Package, to make it easier to walk and cycle to the new station from across the town and the wider area. 

During summer 2018, a period of public engagement took place on these proposals which was almost unanimously positive with 94% of respondents stating that they were happy or very happy with the plans (click here for more information on the first phase of engagement [link opens in a new tab]). The feedback received was then used to help us develop the proposals further and we are now running a second phase of public engagement which will allow you to comment on these updated plans. Some of the ways your feedback has helped progress the scheme to date are highlighted in our 'You Said, We Listened' document which can be found by clicking here [link opens in a new tab].

The proposals have the following objectives and benefits:

  • To improve journey time reliability for journeys to/from Elland. 
  • To provide opportunities to park and ride 
  • To increase the number of journeys made by train to/from Elland in order to support economic growth while reducing carbon emissions. 
  • To relieve road congestion including on the A629 
  • To attract new investment to Elland and retain existing employers in the area.  
  • To increase the accessibility of Elland from within and beyond the Leeds City Region 
  • To support future housing growth in Elland and western parts of Brighouse by reducing transport constraints to development 

The engagement 

Between 25 May and 12 July a period of public engagement was held which allowed you to provide feedback on the AEB Strategy via an online survey. The results of this survey have now been analysed and can be viewing using the link below:

The Rail Station

The proposed new rail station is designed to serve Elland and to improve the town's transport connectivity with the wider region. It will be located on the existing Calder Valley route (Leeds – Huddersfield Line) to the west of Lowfields Way and adjacent to the A629 Calderdale Way. 

The station will be unstaffed and comprise of two 125m platforms positioned on the existing embankments at an elevated level, each of which will have covered waiting areas, and a ticket vending machine. Access via both lift and steps will be available from the car park level. Cross platform access will be provided at road level via the existing underpass on Lowfields Way. 

The station will be served by a 166 space (approx.) car park incorporating parking spaces for blue badge holders, an area for drop-off/pick-up, motorcycle parking, cycle storage facilities, low energy lighting and CCTV. 

The station will be funded by the West Yorkshire Plus Transport Fund (WY+TF) and will cost approximately £20m. 

Further information and a series of maps and graphics can be downloaded using the link below:

The Access Package

Alongside the development of the new rail station, a series of improvements has been developed to improve car free access to the proposed station from across the town and the wider area. These will also support the sustainable travel connection from Elland and West Vale and the direct connection onto the Route 66 cycleway, with links to both Halifax and Brighouse.

The construction of a new pedestrian bridge will create links from the area north of the River Calder, whilst also creating a direct link to the Route 66 cycleway and towpath. From West Vale, a bridge will connect non-motorised users to the Route 66 cycleway which in turn will provide connections into Elland itself and to the proposed rail station. This crossing has stayed relatively unchanged from the initial plans though some minor alterations to the route path are currently being considered. The connecting routes have also been renamed and prioritised to better reflect: 

  • Usability
    • Direct routes from key areas and to help minimize travel times where possible
  • Pedestrian safety
    • Keeping the main pedestrian routes away from the bus road network where possible
  • Connections and overlaps with future schemes
    • We aim to ensure that our proposals complement any future developments such as the A629 Halifax to Huddersfield (Phase 4) and Elland Future High Street Bid

Further route improvements will increase sustainable travel from other areas within Elland. These include new and updated infrastructure and a series of public realm enhancements across the project area.

Further information and a series of maps and graphics can be downloaded using the links below:

The first phase of engagement included plans for a crossing from Park Road to Elland Riverside Park. Since that time, further feasibility studies have been undertaken which have revealed that these initial proposals are no longer feasible due to a number of factors including: 

  • Environmental concerns
    • Works would be required in the river channel
    • There is a large presence of Japanese Knot Weed
    • There is a high risk of damage to aquatic life
  • Underground services
    • There are a substantial number of services present in Gas Works Lane that would need diverting
  • Pedestrian safety
    • The initial proposals would have forced pedestrians to use Gas Works Lane which is secluded and poses a safety risk.

Next steps  

In March 2019, the scheme received approval from the Combined Authority for its Outline Business Case (OBC) and in May 2019 received Network Rail’s Guide to Rail Investment Process (GRIP) stage 3 approval. Over the coming months, the programme of work will continue to be developed further and we intend to submit a planning application in Autumn 2020, ahead of submitting our Full Business Case for approval in early 2021. We will also be working closely with Network Rail and train operators to develop a suitable timetable for services calling at the proposed station. Based on the information available at present, and assuming all the necessary approvals are achieved, the station would be opened is December 2022 as part of a scheduled change to train timetables.  

Contact us

Via email: yourvoice@westyorks-ca.gov.uk

Via our Q&A tool: Ask us a question using the tool at the bottom of this page

Via phone: 0113 245 7676

Via post: Freepost CONSULTATION TEAM (WYCA)*

*Please note that, due to the COVID-19 crisis, the majority of our staff are working from home and therefore there will be significant delays in receiving any postal contributions. It is strongly recommended that you contact us via another method if possible.