Who is responsible for delivering the scheme?
What area does the ‘Bradford Shipley Route Improvement Scheme’ cover?
What are the main objectives of this scheme?
What are the timescales for delivering the scheme?
Who are the funders and what is the cost of the total scheme?
Are the relevant decision documents in the public domain?
The decision documents are published both on Bradford Council and The Combined Authorities websites.
For Bradford see: https://www.bradford.gov.uk/transport-and-travel/major-highways-schemes/wyca-schemes/
For The CA see https://westyorks-ca.gov.uk/projects/west-yorkshire-plus-transport-fund/bradford-to-shipley-corridor/ (click link to business case summary on web page)
The scheme is closely aligned to the Shipley & Canal Corridor Area Action Plan which informs on the councils long term plans for economic and housing growth, and associated infrastructure in this regeneration area, this can be found at: https://www.bradford.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-policy/shipley-and-canal-road-corridor-area-action-plan-dpd/
What has been done so far?
Funding for the early phase of the scheme was secured through The Combined Authority to allow Bradford Council to start developing and promoting the scheme. This has allowed us to start undertaking initial studies such as transport modelling, air quality, noise, environmental, conservation and heritage, topographical surveys, to start engaging with other relevant council departments and start public consultations. This project is still at a very early stage.
What will happen at the site where the Branch pub has been demolished?
When will the new Bradford to Shipley cycle route be completed?
The final ‘City Connect’ section of the Bradford to Shipley cycle route is due for completion early 2019.
What facilities will be provided for cyclists?
As part of our scheme development we are starting to engage with local cycle groups. As the scheme is still in its infancy we would like to hear your thoughts on this and help us develop our plans.
What will Bradford Council do to address the air quality along Bradford and Shipley?
Bradford Councils Air Pollution Team are currently working towards gathering baseline air quality data. Once the transport modelling work is complete, the team will determine the impact of air quality across the whole project area. The Air pollution team are also starting to investigate a possible clean air zone strategy for those areas that suffer high levels of air pollution.
How will this scheme benefit pedestrians?
We will be looking at ways to improve the walking environment and make routes more ‘walkable’. There are many major attractions to walking within the scheme boundary such as journeys to schools, colleges, football stadium, supermarkets, clinics that suffer somewhat through severance caused by barriers such as the two major roads, railway line and Bradford beck. We would be looking to strengthen cross valley connectivity in particular for sustainable transport modes like walking and cycling.
Will there be more pedestrian crossings?
We would be looking to improve pedestrian crossing points where possible, your views on any difficulties you encounter would help us to identify problem hotspots and inform on any changes needed.
Will the layout of the roads change?
It is anticipated that in some areas the road layout will change to improve facilities for all user groups, though there has been no decision as to how or where this is likely to take place as yet. As we gather more information we will be able to develop the scheme and produce more detailed plans for future consultations.
How will the junction alterations affect overall levels of traffic along the Bradford-Bingley Road corridor between Frizinghall and Bingley, and what impact will this have on traffic flows through Saltaire? Has work been done to establish this information?
Will existing roads or bus stops be improved (resurfaced etc.) and what else?
An assessment of existing road and surface conditions will be undertaken in the future to help determine this aspect. We will be looking to start consultations with bus operators in the near future with a view to seeing what improvements could be made.
Will on-street parking be affected?
Due to the size and scope of this scheme it is likely that on-street parking will be affected. We will have a better idea of where on-street parking is likely to be affected once we have a preferred scheme developed, though at this stage the extent and locations are currently unknown.
When will the new homes development in Bolton Woods be completed?
The Housing development in Bolton Woods is being undertaken in 5 phases. Phase 1 Houses at poplar Parks Road was complete 2014, Phase 1 Crag Road site and Livingstone Road site are due for completion 2019 / early 2020, Phase 2 Stanley Road retail and Phase 2 housing behind Arnold Laver are under construction. There are further outline planning permission submitted for future phases.
Where and what is Bradford Beck?
Bradford Beck starts as a number of different open streams which run towards Bradford City Centre where they join. Bradford Beck is then constrained by brick lined culverts and straight channels for much of its course until it meets the River Aire in Shipley. More information can be found at https://bradford-beck.org/
What does the Canal Road Greenway project involve?
The Canal Road Greenway will deliver a multi-functional green corridor helping to enhance biodiversity and ecological networks and provide a high quality setting for walking, cycling, sport and recreation along the Corridor. More details can be found at : https://northsearegion.eu/begin/bgi-pilot-projects/bradford/
How can members of the public have their say?
The consultation period will take place from 14th December until 8th February 2019.
Members of the public can have their say via www.yourvoice@westyorks-ca.gov.uk/BradfordShipley or attend one of the drop-in sessions where officers will be available to answer any questions.
We are keen to hear from local residents, businesses and commuters.
There will be a number of engagements over the next few years as plans develop.
We are encouraging people to register on www.yourvoice.westyorks-ca.gov.uk to be kept involved and informed about the launch of the phase 2 public engagement in summer 2019.
How will local residents and businesses be kept informed on the progress of the scheme?
There will be various ways in which local residents and businesses can have their say. Updates will be provided to those who have registered to follow the project via ourvoice@westyorks-ca.gov.uk/bradfordshipley and via press articles.
You can also contact your Local Ward Councillor.
Will there be more bus services operating along Canal Road?
There will be consultation with bus operators in the near future with a view to seeing what improvements could be made.
What will happen to the trees located in the area?
In the unfortunate event we have to remove a tree we will replace it with another tree in a suitable location as close as possible. We will be looking at ways to increase the overall number of trees to help improve local amenity and biodiversity. There will be no net loss in tree numbers for this scheme.
Are there as yet any proposed/published plans for the Branch junction? If so, roughly what is envisaged?