About the project

    What is the A64?

    The A64 is a key radial route into Leeds city centrecarrying long-distance traffic from West Yorkshireas well as local traffic in east Leeds. The A64 is a busy, high frequency bus route, with around 30 buses travelling in each direction per hour.  

    Who is delivering the scheme?

    The scheme is being delivered by Leeds City Council in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. The Combined Authority works with local councils and businesses to ensure that everyone in our region benefits from a strong, successful economy and a modern, accessible transport network. To learn more about the Combined Authority, visit: www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk(External link) 

    Connecting Leeds is part of Leeds City Council and aims to transform travel in Leeds for those that live, workstudy in or visit the city. Connecting Leeds is helping to deliver the A64 Bus Priority Improvement Schemealongside a range of other city-wide improvement schemes that will support the development and strategic growth of Leeds. To find out more, click here.(External link) 

    How is the scheme funded and how much does it cost?

    The A64 Bus priority improvements: phase 2 is funded by the Department for Transport (DfTand forms part of a major programme of investment that aims to deliver new transport infrastructure in West Yorkshire  

    This phase of the A64 Bus priority improvements: phase 2 scheme is expected to cost £9.9million from the Department for Transport (DfT) to deliver this phase of improvements 

    What are the aims of the scheme?

    Our proposals aim to: 

    • Improve bus journey reliability and reduce journey times; 

    • Improve accessibility for bus users and safety along the route for cyclists and pedestrians; 

    • Reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality and; 

    • Help achieve Leeds City Council’s commitment to net-zero carbon by 2030. 

    How is the A64 Bus priority improvements: phase 2 scheme linked to other transport projects in Leeds?

    Several city-wide transport improvement schemes have been progressed alongside the A64 Bus priority improvements: phase 2 scheme which aims to enhance and upgrade transport infrastructure in Leeds. These schemes will complement proposals to improve the A64, enabling better connections in the region and helping achieve major strategic growth for the city. 

    The Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy(External link) also sets out the vision for Leeds to be a city where you don’t need a car, where everyone has an affordable zero carbon choice in how they travel within the Leeds District and across West Yorkshire and undertaking these proposals we are aiming for that aspiration along the A64.  

The proposals

    Why are improvements to the A64 necessary?

    The route is a busy, high frequency bus route and the current infrastructure cannot cope with the existing demand. As a result, congestion is common at peak periods, meaning buses are experiencing more delays, leading to longer journey times for passengers, which reduces the reliability of the local bus network. 

    Congestion is likely to worsen due to higher travel demands as a result of forecasted growth and planned future developments in LeedsA64 Bus priority improvements: phase 2 scheme is therefore required to address delays on the route and to provide a targeted solution for all users of the A64  

    By potentially making the A64 journey more attractive it is hoped it would encourage people to switch from private car to bus, walking and cycling along the route.  

    What improvements are you putting in place to improve journeys on the A64?

    The types of interventions proposed to improve journeys along the A64 as part of phase 2 include:  

    Our proposals:  

    • Replacing the existing guided bus way with segregated bus lanes which can be used by all bus services along the route.  

    • Demolishing Shaftesbury Footbridge and replacing it with traffic signal controlled, at grade pedestrian and cycling crossings   

    • Improving provision for people walking, wheeling and cycling including increasing the width of the pavements, kerb improvements and changes to crossings   

    • Creating a new priority bus gate and reconfiguring existing bus gates  

    • Upgrading traffic signals along the route to reduce delay for buses and pedestrians 

    This will require some changes to existing bus stops (locations are noted on the plans):  

    • Wykebeck Valley Road bus stop to be combined with Highway Flats bus stop  

    • Relocating Shaftesbury Junction B bus stop near to the Hepton Court junction nearer to Hepton Court   

    • Relocation of Shaftesbury Junction C bus stop closer to Wykebeck Court  

    • Gipton Approach bus stop to be combined with Halton Dial (eastbound) bus stop  

    • Relocation of Dawlish Terrace bus stop to align with bus gate changes 

    What are the benefits of the scheme?

    The proposed scheme will improve journeys on the A64 for local people and users of the route and create links between communities. By widening and updating the bus guideway it will improve the bus reliability, reduce delays and as all buses will be able to use the bus guideway this will make it easier for all bus users to access along the route. Walking and cycling facilities will be upgraded and enhancedwith proposals such as additional crossings making walking and cycling journeys more pleasantThese proposals will encourage more people to use buses, walking and cycling which will help to improve air quality, contributing towards the Council’s environmental objectives.  

    Have the businesses and key stakeholders been consulted?

    Key businesses and stakeholders have been consulted throughout the design process and this engagement will continue.  If you are a business or stakeholder and feel you would like a briefing, please contact us via email at yourvoice@westyorks-ca.gov.uk or call us on 0113 245 7676 (MetroLine Contact Centre). 

    What has changed since you last consulted on the scheme in 2021?

    We have made several changes to our proposals since we last engaged with you in 2021. These have been guided by your feedback and shaped by a review of scheme costs, in the context of inflation and the need for value for money.  

    In 2021 we consulted on a larger scheme with a more comprehensive set of proposals. However following unprecedented rising inflation in the intervening years the scope and costs of the works have had to be reviewed so that they can be progressed with the funding available from the Department for Transport  

    The full list of proposals has been reviewed, prioritised and divided into phasesSome of the original proposals will not be progressed as part of the A64 Bus priority improvement scheme. These include elements that received less favorable feedback in the previous consultation, along with those which dnot meet the main objective to improve bus journey times and reliability, and those that do not offer good value for money  

    A new bus-based park and ride site was originally considered part of the scheme but due to financial pressures across the programme an ‘Inflation Review’ was undertaken and as a result the Park & Ride element of this project has been pipelined 

    In the summer of 2024, we consulted on phase 1 of the A64 Bus priority improvements and further information, including the engagement outcome report can be found here.   


    Which wards are affected?

    • Crossgates and Whinmoor 

    • Killingbeck and Seacroft 

    • Burmantofts and Richmond Hill 


    How will the proposals address the Leeds Climate Emergency?

    The scheme is one of several city-wide transport improvement projects that will help achieve the Council and the Combined Authority’s vision of becoming carbon net zero.  

    Proposals to improve bus priority measures will promote a shift away from reliance on cars, and towards public transportwalking and cyclingThis will reduce congestion and improve air quality by encouraging more environmentally friendly methods of travel.  

    The Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy(External link) sets out the vision for Leeds to be a city where you don’t need a car, where everyone has an affordable zero carbon choice in how they travel within the Leeds District and across West Yorkshire and undertaking these proposals we are aiming for that aspiration along the A64.  


    What are the timescales for construction?

    The Full Business Case (FBC) is due to be submitted in December 2025, with construction anticipated to start in spring 2026. Local residents and road users will be notified in advance of any works along the route.  


    Will the emergency services still be able to access the streets?

    We consult with the emergency services as priority stakeholders throughout the schemes and will continue to engage to ensure access is maintained. 

    How will construction work impact other city links and journey times? How will disruption be managed?

    Due to the construction work needed to build the scheme, unfortunately some disruption is inevitable. However, we will aim to minimise this by coordinating with other projects planned in the city and communicating details with residents and road users well in advanceso that people can plan their journeys accordingly. Work will also be completed in phases to minimise disruption.  

    As part of the construction preparation, a communications plan will be produced to outline how potential impacts will be communicated to the public. 

Find out more and provide your feedback

    Where can I find more information on the scheme?

    To see our plans in more details, you can visit them here (link to plans)There you can view all our engagement materials, including scheme maps, and fill out our questionnaire.  

    We are hosting two drop-in events on:  

    • Monday 13 January, 4.30-7pm at The Old Fire Station (café), Gipton Approach, Gipton, Leeds LS9 6NL   

    • Tuesday 21 January, 10am-1pm at St Philip’s Church Hall, 86 Osmondthorpe Lane, Leeds, LS9 9EF   

    You will get a chance to speak to the project team, ask questions, look through the plans and fill out a questionnaire.  

    When can I take part?

    The public engagement is open from Tuesday 7 January until 11.59pm Tuesday 4 February 2025.

    Will I be able to attend an in-person event?

    We are hosting drop in events: 

    • Monday 13 January, 4.30-7pm at The Old Fire Station (café), Gipton Approach, Gipton, Leeds LS9 6NL   

    • Tuesday 21 January, 10am-1pm at St Philip’s Church Hall, 86 Osmondthorpe Lane, Leeds, LS9 9EF   

    You will get a chance to speak to the project team, ask questions, look through the plans and fill out a questionnaire.

    How can I provide my feedback?

    To have your say on the proposals, you can complete our online questionnaire at: www.yourvoice.westyork-ca.gov.uk/A64phase2(External link). You can provide your feedback until 11.59pm on 4 February 2025. If you have any questions about the scheme or the proposals, you can also submit a question using the Q&A tool on the Your Voice webpage at www.yourvoice.westyorks.ca.gov/A64phase2(External link)

    How will my feedback be used? 

    All feedback gathered from the public engagement will be analysed and will be used to inform the final development of the proposals where possible. 

    How can I contact the project team?

    You can contact us via email at yourvoice@westyorks-ca.gov.uk or call us on 0113 245 7676 (MetroLine Contact Centre).