- Prioritise active and sustainable ways of travelling like walking, wheeling, cycling, bus and rail
- Unlock land for employment and sustainable housing growth
- Improve access to non-car travel choices, and to greenways and green space
- Deliver a more efficient and safer transport network
- Reduce the adverse impacts of vehicles on the environment and public health by reducing noise, improving air quality and making travel safer
- Meet the challenges of the climate emergency
- Work well with other projects and initiatives in the area
- Local Plan growth proposals in Calderdale and Kirklees including new housing and employment sites
- Brighouse Flood Alleviation Scheme led by the Environment Agency
- Brighouse Town Investment Plan
- Other major improvements from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, including:
- City Connect 3 to provide a better connection between Bradley and Brighouse
- Cooper Bridge improvement scheme to address congestion
How is the A641 improvement scheme being funded?
The scheme is being funded by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority through the West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund (WY+TF). The WY+TF is part of the Leeds City Region Growth Deal, which is a £1 billion-plus deal between the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and Government to help transform the City Region economy.
Who is delivering the project?
Calderdale Council is responsible for scheme delivery, with support from Bradford and Kirklees Councils. The councils are working in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
What are the main objectives of this project?
The strategic objectives of the project are:
What are the aims of the proposals?
Will the project provide transport improvements to support the proposed major housing and employment sites local to the A641 in Calderdale, Kirklees and Bradford?
The scheme’s primary focus is to provide a better range of transport choices to support greater levels of walking, wheeling, cycling and travel by public transport thereby reducing the overall impact of journeys on the road network arising from new development.
Will the there be less space for parking?
Current plans for the scheme include proposals that will impact on local parking on the highway along certain stretches of the A641. Several options are being explored for alternative parking arrangements. As plans are developed further, the team will engage and consult with local residents and businesses on any proposed changes.
Will I be compensated if the works on site, or the finished scheme disturbs my business/property, or decreases its value?
In certain circumstances, compensation can be paid for loss of amenity and value of property through Part 1 of the Land Compensation Act 1973. Claims through this Act are valid after 12 months of the opening of the scheme. Compensation is payable if it can be demonstrated that the highway works have negatively affected the value of land and buildings.
Are these the final proposals?
No. The interventions included in these plans are the preferred option for the scheme. Feedback from this consultation will inform the final detailed designs for the scheme as they are developed. Once we have prepared our detailed designs, you will have a further chance to comment on the final scheme in summer 2023.
What engagement and consultation has already taken place?
Between 19 February and 18 March 2021, an initial period of engagement took place via the A641 Commonplace site, receiving more than 2,000 contributions. The purpose was to better understand what’s important to you, how you feel about the area and why, and what you think could be done to make things better. The comments made can be viewed on the A641 Commonplace site and you can see a summary of the key findings in the Commonplace report. The responses to this engagement helped us to develop a shortlist of schemes.
We ran a public consultation on this shortlist of schemes from 19 July - 15 August 2021 which received more than 500 responses. We asked for views on each of our proposals so we could find out which schemes people thought were most important and identify any issues. The shortlist plans and a report presenting the findings of the previous consultation can be viewed on the A641 Your Voice 2021 site. We used feedback from this consultation, along with further design work, to decide which interventions to take forward as the preferred option.
We are seeking your views on the preferred scheme.
What else in happening in the area?
Calderdale Council is leading the project and the team is working closely with Kirklees and Bradford councils, and with West Yorkshire Combined Authority. The area is the focus of a bold programme of investment and growth including:
Information on each of these proposals can be accessed via the links above.
The team are working in partnership to ensure the opportunities from these other investment programmes are maximised and designed to complement one another.
How can I keep up to date with this project?
The A641 Calderdale Next Chapter page is regularly updated with project progress. You can sign up to the Calderdale Next Chapter newsletter to receive updates on this project and other schemes in the area.
We will publish the outcomes from this consultation on this webpage once the consultation has finished.
When will you have the detailed design/final plans?
Work is progressing on the designs for the scheme, including incorporating feedback from this consultation, to prepare the detailed designs as part of the Full Business Case submission to the Combined Authority. In summer 2023, we will engage with the public and stakeholders to share the final plans for the scheme with a greater level of design detail.
What is the decision-making process?
The Outline Business Case for the scheme was approved by West Yorkshire Combined Authority earlier this year. Feedback from this consultation will inform the development of the detailed designs for the scheme as part of the Full Business Case submission that will be submitted to the Combined Authority in 2023. Decisions about the scheme will be made through the Assurance Process of the CA. At each stage, recommendations on the scheme are made by an officer-based appraisal team to the relevant committee(s) of elected members.
How will my feedback be used?
We want to understand what local people think about our proposals. Your feedback will be used to inform the detailed designs for the scheme. There will be a further consultation on detailed plans in summer 2023.