About the scheme
improve journeys by bus, rail, bike and on foot for up to 1.5 million people
take up to 12 million car trips per year off our roads by 2036
make 33 million rail journeys easier by improvements to rail stations
increase bus, rail, and walking and cycling trips by up to 6%, 4% and 7% respectively by 2036
reduce CO2 emissions by up to 1.5% / 15,000 tonnes from car travel by 2036
create more than 1,000 jobs and add up to £1 billion to the economy by 2036
support connectivity to 650 housing sites and 220 employment sites
improve bus journey times and reliability;
improve and enhance existing walking and cycling facilities;
improve accessibility and safety along the route; and
improve air quality and encourage healthier and more environmentally friendly methods of transport.
Removing some on-street car parking to create a new cycle route, bus lane or widen the pavement. This might mean there are double yellow lines in places where you can currently park.
Painting parking bays for each car on the street to provide dedicated spaces.
Where is the A61?
The A61 is a key route that serves the main urban areas between south Leeds and Wakefield such as Stourton, Rothwell, Robin Hood, Lofthouse, Outwood and Newton Hill. South of Wakefield, the corridor serves areas including Belle Vue, Sandal and Milnthorpe.
Who is leading on the delivery of this scheme?
This scheme is being led by both Leeds City Council and Wakefield Council, in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. The Combined Authority works with local councils and businesses to ensure that everyone in our region benefits from a strong, successful economy and a modern, accessible transport network. To learn more about the Combined Authority, visit: https://www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/.
How is the scheme funded and how much does it cost?
The scheme is funded by the Transforming Cities Fund (TCF). The Leeds City Region TCF is a major programme of investment that aims to deliver transformational new transport infrastructure in West Yorkshire. It aims to deliver changes to how people travel across the region by improving our streets. It is an important part of our aim to reduce the number of car journeys to help meet a commitment to become a net zero carbon city region by 2038. It is being delivered by the Combined Authority in partnership with local authorities and is funded through £317 million from the Department for Transport, plus local match funding of up to £140 million.
In March 2020, £11.6 million was allocated for the Transforming Travel between Leeds & Wakefield – A61 scheme. The project is not funded by Council Tax, nor will the funding allocations impact other Council funding streams.
The scale of what we can deliver on this corridor is dependent on the funding available. The proposals in this consultation exceed the funding allocated from the Transforming Cities Fund. The schemes that are taken forward, and the designs of these schemes, will be influenced by your feedback.
What is the ‘Transforming Cities Fund’ (TCF) programme?
In partnership with local authorities, the Combined Authority will deliver transformational infrastructure, which will dramatically improve people’s access to walking, cycling and public transport. It is estimated TCF will:
TCF’s ambition is to provide an accessible, attractive and cleaner alternative to car journeys in the Leeds City Region. Communities across Bradford, Calderdale, Craven, Harrogate, Kirklees, Leeds, Selby, Wakefield and York are set to benefit from the TCF schemes, which include new or improved bus and rail stations, cycling and walking infrastructure, and new Park and Rides. You can find out more about the programme on the Combined Authority’s website by clicking here (opens in a new tab).
What are the aims of the Transforming Travel between Leeds & Wakefield (A61) scheme?
Our proposals aim to:
How will the scheme improve bus journeys along the A61?
The scheme aims to deliver faster journey times for buses along the A61, resulting in more reliable services and encouraging more people to travel by bus instead of by car. We are looking to provide new bus lanes to improve bus priority and upgrade key junctions using the latest smart signal technology where traffic lights detect buses and prioritise them to reduce delay.
What do we mean by upgraded traffic signals or smart signal technology?
The very latest traffic signal equipment makes use of sensors and other features to improve traffic flow. They can be used to detect live traffic build up and adjust the ‘green time’ available to help reduce congestion. They can also be used to detect buses as they approach a junction and any traffic signals. They may bring the timing of a green light forward or extend a green light to help the buses keep moving and stay on time.
The priority offered to buses helps recognise that at busy times they may be carrying 60+ people and helping take a lot of vehicles off the roads. The same signals can also be used to detect when people are waiting to cross when travelling on foot and help ensure the traffic is held long enough for them to cross safely.
Will there be any new bus stops? And will these be outside my house/business?
There are no new bus stops proposed as part of the scheme. However, some current bus stops may be relocated and/or be upgraded to current standards with longer bays for example. Some bus stop laybys will be replaced with ‘in-lane’ bus stops to prevent buses getting held up by traffic when they stop to drop off and pick up passengers. The scheme is at an early stage of development and this will be determined when undertaking the next design stage with further consultation planned at that point.
How will the scheme affect cyclists using the A61?
A key objective of the scheme is to provide dedicated cycling facilities to create a better route for cyclists along the A61, allowing them to keep their distance from traffic and helping them to feel safer and more confident. We are also looking to provide upgraded facilities at junctions such as better crossings at a number of different locations along the A61 in both Leeds and Wakefield. These improvements aim to encourage more people to cycle in the area to improve health and wellbeing whilst also taking more traffic off the roads.
As the scheme is still in its early stages, we would like to hear your thoughts on this to help us develop the plans.
Will the new bus and cycle facilities impact on existing road space for cars?
In some locations, the provision of new bus and cycling infrastructure is achieved by narrowing traffic lanes and in some locations the reallocation of a general traffic lane is required to accommodate bus lanes and cycle lanes. Extensive modelling will be undertaken to clearly define the impacts of this on car users and journey times.
Whilst the core aim of the scheme is to encourage more people to travel by bus and cycling, the improvements should also result in more cars being removed from the road network as more people who can choose alternative ways to travel, reducing reliance on cars and easing existing levels of congestion.
Would the proposed bus and cycle lanes prevent access to properties or make it unsafe where there is existing parking in place?
The proposed bus and cycle facilities will be designed in line with the latest design recommendations from the Department for Transport, which will ensure that safe access to properties as well as to parking (where remaining / existing / proposed) is provided.
All access to properties will be maintained. Any changes in routing / proposed one-way streets may mean that your route will be slightly different, but access to all properties and shops will be maintained.
How will these proposals impact parking spaces, spaces for loading or drop-off and Blue Badge parking?
This project is still at an early stage, so some of the detail of how any changes will affect specific parking spaces or loading bays is not known yet. The plans presented as part of this consultation show where we are looking to:
The feedback we receive will be used to shape and further develop the proposals in the next design stages. If the proposals change significantly then further consultation will be required with stakeholders and the public. Wherever blue badge parking exists we will look to keep it in the same place or very close nearby.
We know that there are lots of businesses along the A61 and each may have its own arrangements in terms of loading and unloading. The consultation gives business owners and those serving businesses a chance to comment on the proposals and identify where, if anywhere, they have concerns relating to this issue.
Does the scheme require any land take / is my property at risk?
At this stage it is anticipated that the majority of the construction works can take place within the existing highway boundary or land owned by Leeds City Council and Wakefield Council. For a number of the proposals to be delivered, some minor land acquisition may be required, however this will be confirmed as the design progresses. Any affected landowners would be contacted directly by the project team.
What detailed technical work has taken place to determine benefits and impacts of the proposals? Can these be quantified?
The aim of this first consultation phase is to gauge public opinion on the early proposals to improve bus, walking and cycling on the A61 corridor. The next stage of design will include further modelling analysis and appraisal, which will then be used with the consultation feedback to develop the scheme further and refine the designs. Leeds City Council and Wakefield Council will undertake a second public consultation with more detailed plans and quantified benefits / impacts in 2023.
How has COVID-19 impacted bus travel patterns, and is it still worth delivering this scheme?
Clearly traffic patterns have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Current figures for bus use indicate that weekend recovery has been stronger than weekday. It is too early at this stage to say what the long-term effects will be as many people are still working from home, but we will continue to monitor the impact on traffic numbers across the corridor and cities.
The proposed improvements to public transport, walking and cycling will provide benefits in terms of congestion, air quality, health and wellbeing, etc. We want to ensure we have efficient and affordable transport options for people to be well connected to employment opportunities, education, leisure and community facilities.
What if my comment is about maintenance or upkeep of an existing cycle route or highway?
This consultation is only about the proposals for this project. The best way to report an issue with a road or cycle path is by directly contacting the Leeds City Council Highways Maintenance team by clicking on this link (opens in a new tab) or the Wakefield Council Highways Maintenance team by clicking on this link (opens in a new tab).
Climate Emergency
How will the proposals address the Climate Emergency declared by Leeds City Council and Wakefield Council?
The scheme is one of a number of city-wide and regional-wide transport improvement projects that will help achieve Leeds City Council, Wakefield Council and the Combined Authority’s vision of becoming carbon net zero.
The scheme will address the Climate Emergency by encouraging more people to walk, cycle and use the bus, as these methods of travel become more reliable, attractive and achievable. New trees and other planting will complement the scheme proposals where possible to make the streets greener and more pleasant for people walking and cycling.
How do your plans impact local green spaces and trees?
We do not currently anticipate any significant road widening, which will limit potential impacts on green spaces and trees.
Our proposals also include landscape improvements along the A61, aiming to enhance the local environment and improve local green space, providing more pleasant journeys for those walking and cycling.
We will have a better understanding of the scheme’s impact on local green spaces and trees following further studies undertaken as part of the detailed design stage of the project. However, where we are aware of an impact on local green space, we are committed to providing replacement green space as close to the removed sections as possible.
What are the timescales for construction?
We currently expect construction to start in 2023 and finish in 2024. Once we have more detailed designs, a contractor will be appointed who will confirm any updates to the construction dates. Local residents and road users will be notified in advance of any works along the route.
Will there be any disruption for access to the area during construction?
We will work closely with the contractor to make sure that the impact on all users, local residents and businesses is as small as possible, but there will be some disruption from road works. We will work closely with businesses and communities most affected to ensure all works are done with the minimum possible impact.
Will any work on site be carried out during the day, and what will you do to minimise any impact on businesses/residents?
The phasing of roadworks on the public highway still needs to be planned. Nearer the time of construction, local residents and businesses will be provided with more information about what will happen and where. A Construction Management Plan will be developed to minimise the impacts of construction activities on local residents, businesses and visitors.
We will keep residents and stakeholders informed as the project progresses.
Taking Part
Where can I find more information on the scheme?
You can see our proposals in more detail, by clicking on this link (opens in new tab) Here you can look through our consultation materials, including maps of the scheme, and fill out our response form.
We are also hosting a number of events. Our team will talk through the proposed improvements and answer your questions about the project.
Date* | Time | Location |
Monday 11 July | 16:00- 19:00 | Sandal Methodist Church, WF1 5NU |
Wednesday 13 July | 16:00- 19:00 | Outwood Memorial Hall, WF1 2NE |
Wednesday 20 July | 14:00- 18:00 | Robin Hood Primary, WF3 3BG |
When can I take part?
The public consultation is open from 4 July 2022 until 14th August 2022.
What if I have a question or concern about a specific place in a Zone, or about a specific idea suggested in the proposals?
We encourage you to take part in the survey and record your thoughts there in questions about the relevant Zone. You can also contact the project team via the YourVoice email inbox (yourvoice@westyorks-ca.gov.uk) or ask us a question using the Q&A tool at the bottom of the project page, and we will get back to you with a reply.
Who can take part in the public consultation? Can I let other people know about it?
Anyone can take part. Please tell your friends and family about it. Whether you live in, work in, or visit the communities along this route between Leeds and Wakefield, your views are valuable to help us develop our ideas.
Please share the project page with anyone you think would be interested in taking part in the public consultation.
You can submit a joint response on behalf of a group or organisation, please do so by emailing yourvoice@westyorks-ca.gov.uk. Please also share the link with your colleagues or members so they have the opportunity to provide an individual response, should they wish to do so.
Will I be able to attend an in-person event?
We are hosting a number of events. Our team will talk through the proposed improvements and answer your questions about the project.
Date* | Time | Location |
Monday 11 July | 16:00- 19:00 | Sandal Methodist Church, WF1 5NU |
Wednesday 13 July | 16:00- 19:00 | Outwood Memorial Hall, WF1 2NE |
Wednesday 20 July | 14:00- 18:00 | Robin Hood Primary, WF3 3BG |
How will my feedback be used?
We want to understand how people are currently travelling, and what their thoughts are on the current ideas for improvements to bus travel whilst also making walking and cycling easier and safer along the A61. Your feedback will be used by the project team to develop detailed plans for improvements along the A61. It is anticipated that there will be another consultation on these more detailed plans in 2023.
The plans are not detailed enough. When will we see more detail?
The proposals as presented are at an early stage of development. We want to know what people think now before we do more detailed design work. It is anticipated that there will be further consultation on more detailed designs in 2023.
What will the personal information I provide be used for?
All personal information (such as age, postcode, gender) you provide will be anonymised and only used for analysis of the key findings and trends in this consultation. When we look at the feedback, we separate it by things like age and gender which helps us to understand how ideas may affect different groups of people. This helps us to develop our ideas.
Next Steps
- Further junction modelling using computer software to determine benefits and potential impacts on user journey times;
- Wider benefits and impacts relating to people shifting to sustainable means of travel (such as walking, cycling and public transport), safety improvements, public open space and landscaped grass or planted areas;
- Continued discussions with key stakeholders such as local Councillors, businesses, resident groups, landowners and local action groups; and
- Appraisal to help determine whether the proposals offer ‘value for money’ against defined Department for Transport criteria
What are the next steps?
Leeds City Council and Wakefield Council are consulting on this scheme to understand public opinion before undertaking more detailed design and analysis. The analysis will incorporate feedback from this first consultation and include:
Leeds City Council and Wakefield Council will undertake further public consultation once designs have been progressed and more detailed information can be provided. This second phase of consultation is expected to take place sometime in 2023.
How do I keep up to date with the Transforming Travel between Leeds & Wakefield - A61 scheme?
Provide your contact information by clicking on the ‘sign up’ banner on the side of the project page. You will receive information by email about the project. For more information on the project visit Leeds City Council’s ‘Connecting Leeds’ website by clicking this link (opens in a new tab) or Wakefield Council’s website by clicking this link (opens in a new tab).
For social media updates on this project and other schemes being delivered by Leeds City Council and Wakefield Council, follow us on: Twitter: @ConnectingLeeds @MyWakefield | Facebook: Search ‘Connecting Leeds’ and ‘Wakefield Council’.
How can I contact the project team?
You can contact us via email at yourvoice@westyorks-ca.gov.uk or call us on 0113 245 7676 (Metroline Contact Centre).
About the Transforming Cities Fund (TCF)
improve journeys by bus, rail, bike and on foot for up to 1.5 million people
take up to 12 million car trips per year off our roads by 2036
make 33 million rail journeys easier by improvements to rail stations
increase bus, rail, and walking and cycling trips by up to 6%, 4% and 7% respectively by 2036
reduce CO2 emissions by up to 1.5% / 15,000 tonnes from car travel by 2036
create more than 1,000 jobs and add up to £1 billion to the economy by 2036
support connectivity to 650 housing sites and 220 employment sites
What is the Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) programme?
Providing an accessible, attractive and cleaner alternative to car journeys is at the heart of Leeds City Region’s Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) - a major new programme of transport infrastructure investment secured as part of the West Yorkshire devolution deal.
The programme will be funded through £317 million from the Department for Transport (DfT) plus local match funding of up to £140 million.
In partnership with local authorities, the Combined Authority will deliver transformational infrastructure, which will dramatically improve people’s access to walking, cycling and public transport.
It is estimated TCF schemes will improve journeys by bus, rail, bike and on foot for up to 1.5 million people, take up to 12 million car trips per year off our roads and reduce CO2 emissions from car travel by up to 15,000 tonnes by 2036.
Communities across Bradford, Calderdale, Craven, Harrogate, Kirklees, Leeds, Selby, Wakefield and York are set to benefit from the schemes, which include new or improved bus and rail stations, cycling and walking infrastructure, and new Park and Rides. You can find out more about the programme on the Combined Authority’s website by clicking here (opens in a new tab).
Which organisations are involved?
The Combined Authority is working in partnership with local authority colleagues from Bradford, Calderdale, Craven, Harrogate, Kirklees, Leeds, North Yorkshire, Selby, Wakefield and York councils on the TCF programme.
What benefits will the TCF programme bring?
It is estimated TCF will:
How is the TCF programme funded?
As part of the West Yorkshire devolution deal, the Combined Authority secured £317 million from the DfT’s TCF programme to deliver schemes in the low-cost scenario.
Since then, the Combined Authority has approved the use of future gain share funding, alongside other income streams, to deliver the high-cost scenario up to an additional £140 million.
This additional funding will help us deliver more transport improvements, which will benefit communities across West Yorkshire.
Why is this work important? / Why is this money being spent on TCF at this time?
This work is more important than ever, not only as we look to address the health and economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also in helping us achieve our aim of becoming a net zero carbon economy by 2038.
We need to reduce car trips by 21% and increase cycling trips by 2,000%, walking trips by 78%, bus strips by 39% and rail trips by 53% if we are to achieve our ambitious net zero targets in this time frame.
The programme will connect people to economic and education opportunities through accessible, affordable, attractive and cleaner transport, boosting productivity and helping to create healthier and happier communities for the future.
Through the programme and building on the significant progress already made, we are working in partnership to transform our town and city centres for walking and cycling, improve bus reliability and journey times, and investing in our region to prepare for HS2, Northern Powerhouse Rail and the Trans-Pennine Route Upgrade.
Who will benefit?
Communities across Bradford, Calderdale, Craven, Harrogate, Kirklees, Leeds, Selby, Wakefield and York are set to benefit from the schemes, which include new or improved bus and rail stations, cycling and walking infrastructure, and new Park and Rides.
The programme is focused on connecting people in the communities of greatest economic need with job and training opportunities. This will, in turn, help boost productivity, living standards and air quality.
When do projects get underway?
There are 22 packages of schemes, comprising between 30 and 35 individual projects, within the overall programme.
Different schemes are at different stages, right through from the development of business cases and designs, to gearing up for public consultation, with construction already started at Halifax Bus Station redevelopment Find out more information at westyorks-ca.gov.uk/TCF(External link)
How is the programme impacted by COVID-19?
To date, there has been minimal impact of the programme as a result of COVID-19. The majority of the projects are at the early stages of development and much of the work required can be carried out virtually. As the schemes move to the next stage of delivery, we will continue to monitor the impact and identify any risks to delivery.
We are also looking at best practice ways of delivering public consultations and engagement activity to ensure all members of the community get the opportunity to have their say on TCF schemes during COVID-19.
The full implications of COVID-19 on the region, the economy and the transport system are still to be understood and the impact on the Combined Authority’s programmes and schemes to date has been mixed.
We are working closely with our local authority partners at every level of our appraisal process to ensure delivery timescales have taken into account the current issues and that each scheme is stress tested to ensure its ongoing viability.
In the wake of COVID-19 it is more important than ever to assess the changes to the landscapes of our towns and cities, and the impact on current and future planned schemes, particularly, but not exclusively, those relating to transport.
The impact of COVID-19 in relation to travel behaviour into and around towns and cities is assessed as part of each scheme’s appraisal.
While public transport patronage is currently lower than pre COVID-19 levels, it remains a priority to invest in public transport infrastructure to both help with economic recovery and to have the required infrastructure in place to respond to an increase in demand post-COVID-19.