The Scheme
Where is Middleton Circus Bus Interchange?
Middleton Circus is located in central Middleton and is a busy location served by several high frequency bus services.
What is being proposed?
This scheme proposes to bring all bus stops closer together, creating a new bus waiting area, well linked to local amenities such as the local shops, Aldi, schools and Middleton Park. Improvements to travel information will also make it easier to use the bus. This scheme will also create better parking and loading opportunities for local and small businesses. Specifically, it will provide:
· A bus interchange area at Middleton Circus with all bus stops located together
· Enhanced bus shelters, with real time information displays
· Additional parking outside the local shopping centre
· Enhanced pedestrian/cycle routes with CCTV coverage and improved crossing opportunities
Who is responsible for delivering the scheme?
West Yorkshire Combined Authority is responsible for delivering the scheme. Leeds City Council is working in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. The Combined Authority works with Local Authorities and businesses across West Yorkshire and York to create economic growth through large and small scale infrastructure projects such as this.
What is the total cost of the scheme?
The reason for the plans
Why do we need to do something?
Middleton Circus is a busy location which is served by several high frequency bus services. Currently services to the same, or similar, destinations use different bus stops located around the Circus, making it difficult for passengers to use. There is an opportunity to enhance passengers’ experience at this location by creating a bus interchange area integrating all the stops. This will include better waiting facilities such as upgraded shelters and real time information.
What do you hope to achieve by making the improvements?
The aims of the scheme are to:
· Contribute to an overall increase patronage on public transport by improving the waiting environment and travel information provision
· Provide enhanced and safe pedestrian/cycle routes to the transport interchange
· Contribute to an overall improvement in air quality and environmental impacts in the district by encouraging more people to use the bus
What other options have you looked at?
o Do nothing – retain the existing waiting and information provision at this location
o Low cost option – retain the existing waiting infrastructure but improve the information provision
o Medium cost option – upgrade waiting and information provision, pedestrian/cycle routes and improved crossing opportunities - the preferred option which delivers the most benefits regarding improving journey times, reducing congestion and coming within budget
Timescales for delivery
What are the timescales for delivering the scheme?
Subject to approval, works will start on site in 2020.
When will you have the detailed design?
Detailed design will commence following this public engagement and is aimed to be completed in early 2020.
When will you start work on the improvements?
Following approval of the full business case for this project we expect to begin work on this scheme in 2020.
Who can take part? Can I tell other people to take part?
We welcome the opinions and feedback of anyone. Whether you travel by public transport, walk, drive, or cycle, are a business owner, or just travel through the area, your views, opinion and insight is valuable to us to shape our project. Please share the link [insert project webpage link] with anyone you think would be interested in taking part. If you intend to submit a joint response on behalf of a group/organisation, please share the link with your colleagues/members so they have the opportunity to provide an individual response, should they wish to do so.
How do I take part?
You can take part by visiting our website: [www.yourvoice.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/MiddletonCircus] to review all the latest information, and find a link to a survey/feedback form to submit your views. You can also take part in the question and answer (Q&A) section of the page, if you have any questions not suitably answered by these FAQs. If you would like to submit your feedback by email, please do so to: yourvoice@westyorks-ca.gov.uk, or in writing to: FREEPOST Consultation Team (WYCA).
The funding and decision-making processes
Who is paying for the improvements? Where is the money coming from?
The scheme is being delivered by West Yorkshire Combined Authority with funding from the Connecting Leeds programme.
What is Connecting Leeds?
In December 2016, Transport Committee considered the submission of the Leeds Strategic Outline Case, which was a £270m package of measures to improve public transport in Leeds District. It included the £173.5m which had previously be identified for the NGT trolleybus project. The documentation was submitted to the Department for Transport in December and is available at: http://www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/News/Articles/Leeds-Transport-Strategy-submision/(External link)
Monies from Leeds City Council and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority of £8.800m and £0.966m respectively will increase the funding to £183.266m. The programme also includes private sector finance including expenditure on more environmentally friendly buses by bus operators bringing the total programme investment to over £270m.
Following consideration of the submission, the Department approved the programme on 21 April 2017. The main conditions of the grant from the DfT are that the funding is to be used for public transport improvements in Leeds which must be substantially complete by March 2021. More information about those transport improvements can be found at: https://www.leeds.gov.uk/parking-roads-and-travel/connecting-leeds-and-transforming-travel(External link)Can the money be spent on other things?
This scheme has funding allocated to it as part of the Connecting Leeds programme and therefore the funding will not be able to be spent on any other proposals or scheme. If the Combined Authority does not accept the business case, then the scheme cannot go ahead and the money put aside for this project will be reallocated elsewhere in the Connecting Leeds programme.
What is the West Yorkshire Combined Authority?
The West Yorkshire Combined Authority was formed in April 2014 to be the driving force for economic growth across the Kirklees, Bradford, Leeds, Calderdale and Wakefield districts and the City of York Council area. The West Yorkshire Combined Authority brings together key decision-making powers into a single body. To find out more visit: (External link)www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk(External link)(External link) (opens in a new page).
What is the decision making process?
An Expression of Interest for funding to investigate locations to improve local waiting facilities and information provision was approved in 2017. This provided around £80,000 of funding to develop the project to the Outline Business Case stage (OBC). The OBC develops preliminary designs, undertakes traffic modelling work to determine a preferred option and estimates scheme costs, risk etc.
The OBC was submitted to the Combined Authority’s assurance process in March 2019 and approved in May 2019. The project is now being developed to Full Business Case (FBC) stage which includes detailed design, public engagement. The FBC is expected to be submitted to the assurance process in October 2019, where approval to tender for the works will be made.
The impact on those living nearby
Will you be taking my land? Is land/property at risk?
Will there be any changes to on-street parking?
Will there be any changes to my bus route?
There will be no changes to the bus routes currently serving these locations. The stand allocations for the buses serving this location are still to be confirmed.
Will the work on site impact on my bus route?
Work on site will not impact on bus routes.
Will any work on site be carried out during the day, and what will you do to minimise any impact on businesses/residents?
The phasing of roadworks still need to be planned. Nearer the time of construction local businesses and residents will be provided with more detail about what will happen and where, but overall disruption will be kept to a minimum.
Will any roadworks be carried out at night and what will you do to minimise any impact on residents?
It will not be necessary to carry out any roadworks at night
Will I be compensated if the works on site, or the finished scheme disturbs my business/property, or decreases its value?
In certain circumstances, compensation can be paid for loss of amenity and value of property through Part 1 of the Land Compensation Act 1973. Claims through Part 1 of this Act are valid after 12 months of the opening of the scheme.
Compensation is payable if it can be demonstrated that the highway improvements have negatively affected the value of land and buildings. Land and property owners would need to submit a ‘blight claim’ to the Council if they consider that the improvements have negatively impacted on the value of the land and buildings.
Will I be compensated if the scheme increases noise levels in my business/property?
Planning Permission
Will you require planning permission to do this work?
No, as all of the work is within the public highway or on Leeds City Council land, it is classed as permitted development granted to the Highway Authority under the Town and Country Planning Act. We can also use our powers under the Highways Act to do this work.
Bus stops, pedestrians and cyclists
How will bus users benefit?
Bus users will benefit from these improvements; through formalising the current bus interchange by bringing all the bus stops together, giving access to better real time information provision and enhanced waiting facilities it will be easier to take full advantage of the existing high frequency service, regardless of which stop it departs from.
How will non-bus users benefit?
Non-bus users will benefit from these improvements in terms of enhanced and safer pedestrian and cycle routes within the interchange and additional crossing of the Middleton Ring Road. Additional parking outside the shopping centre will create better parking and loading opportunities for local and small businesses.
Will existing bus stops be improved?
Yes, the existing bus stops at this location will be upgraded.
Will there be any new bus stops? And will these be outside my house/business?
The scheme proposes to bring all the current bus stops closer together within a dedicated bus interchange area. This will not be directly outside any residential properties or businesses.
Will any bus stops be taken away?
No bus stops will be removed, but they will instead be relocated into one bus interchange area within the Circus.
Will all bus routes in the area continue to operate?
All bus routes in the area will continue to operate.
What engagement/feedback has already been done? How are you engaging with the public, businesses and stakeholders?
In 2016 we started a conversation with people who live and work in Leeds about the future of transport in the city. We had more than 8,000 responses, with a clear message that improvements need to be made to public transport.
A number of schemes were identified from this transport conversation and some small scale engagement took place through the Leeds Community Committees. Since then, local ward members have reviewed the refined list of schemes located in their areas.
We are now at the next stage in developing this scheme and residents, businesses and the general public are now being given an opportunity to comment on these proposals.
Will my comments be considered, or have decisions already been made?
From 4 November to 2 December we are running a public engagement and inviting comments and questions from the public. Your comments will help inform the current proposals and provide an opportunity to identify any issues that we are not aware of.
Who can take part?
We welcome opinions and feedback from anyone. Whether you travel by public transport, walk, drive, cycle are a business owner or just travel through the area, your views and insight is valuable to us to shape our scheme.
How can I take part?
You will be able to fill in an online survey or visit us at a drop-in session. More information about this is on the project page: www.yourvoice.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/MiddletonCircus).
I work for a group/organisation and transport is important to the staff/business, can I take part in the engagement with shared views?
Can I tell other people to take part?
Yes, please share the link to the project page with anyone you think would be interested in taking part. If you intend to submit a joint response on behalf of a group/organisation, please share the link so people have the opportunity to provide an individual response, should they wish to do so.
Next steps
What will you do with the results?
Your comments will help inform the current proposals and provide an opportunity to identify any issues that we are not aware of.
Will you keep me updated on progress?
Updates will be provided to those who have registered to follow the project via www.yourvoice.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/MiddletonCircus and via press articles.